New Acteon SOPRO 617 VET Dentistry Intra-Oral Camera with USB Docking Station

Schedule a convenient call back. Sign up to receive special insider notifications of deals, promotions, and new items! New Acteon SOPRO 617 VET Intra-Oral Camera w/ USB Docking Station. BRAND NEW IN BOX. FREE Veterinary Imaging Software included. Rounded shape and thin distal part for maximum accessibility and unrivaled patient comfort? 105° angle of view for better exploration of distal areas. Fixed focus with large depth of field, providing high quality images. Ease of use: point and shoot. Global Imaging Resources, LLC 701 South Carson Street, Suite #200 Carson City, Nevada 89701 +1 (702) 850 2797. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food …..
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