New Acteon SOPRO 617 Intra Oral Camera with USB Docking Station, Warranty, Shipping

Schedule a convenient call back. Sign up to receive special insider notifications of deals, promotions, and new items! New Acteon SOPRO 617 Intra Oral Camera w/ USB Docking Station. 0% Interest with approved credit by One Place Capital. BRAND NEW IN BOX. FREE SOPRO Imaging Software included. Rounded shape and thin distal part for maximum accessibility and unrivaled patient comfort? 105° angle of view for better exploration of distal areas. Fixed focus with large depth of field, providing high quality images. Ease of use: point and shoot. Global Imaging Resources, LLC 701 South Carson Street, Suite #200 Carson City, Nevada 89701 +1 (702) 850 2797. The sale of this item …..
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