Lenovo ThinkPad USB-C Dock Station Gen2 Black with POWER SUPPLY Grade B EB0602

ICE IT Online Listing. Lenovo ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen2 Grade B. There’s no question about it: The Lenovo ThinkPad USB-C Dock Station Gen2 is the most beautiful dock I’ve ever seen. It’s a thin, horizontal bar that has a beautiful two-toned color scheme.. The contrast is eye-catching but subtle, inviting you to look but not gawk. THIS DOCK DOES NOT COME WITH USB-C CABLE. 5x USB 3.0. Genuine Lenovo Power Supply. Grade A – Item will be in perfect working order with no scratches in a “Like new” state. Grade B – Item will be in perfect working order however will have some small signs of wear which will not …..
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